2023 SWOT ST Program

2023 Swot Science Team Meeting
The meeting was organized in Toulouse (France)
Tuesday, September 19 2023 - Friday, September 22 2023

Day 1: Plenary Session ( Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:00 - 17:00 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
SWOT Project overview
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
9h00 - 9h05
- Welcome & Meeting Objectives (R. Morrow & Science Leads) -
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
9h05 - 9h15
- SWOT NASA/CNES Program status (Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer, Annick Sylvestre-Baron) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
9h15 - 9h35
- SWOT Project Status - Launch to L+9 (P. Vaze and P. Sengenès)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
9h35 - 9h50
- SWOT Platform and Payload Performance (N. Steunou) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
9h50 - 10h05
- SWOT Algorithms and Products: Status and Plans (S. Desai and N. Picot) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
10h05 - 10h30
- Nadir altimeter & radiometer products and performance (Francois Bignalet-Cazalet) & Precise Orbit Determination Performance (A. Couhert) (pdf)
Session KaRIn overview I
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
11h00 - 11h15
- KaRIn Instrument Performance (E. Peral, C. Chen presenting) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
11h15 - 11h30
- KaRIn Calibration (C. Chen) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
11h30 - 12h00
- KaRIn LR Oceanography Products Status & Examples (A. Bohe) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
12h00 - 12h30
- KaRIn HR Hydrology Products Status & Examples (R. Fjörtoft) (pdf) or (powerpoint slideshow, 144MB)
Session KaRIn overview II
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
14h00 - 14h10
- Crossover Calibration Status and Examples (G. Dibarboure) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
14h10 - 15h10
- Features of KaRIn data that Users should be aware of (C. Chen) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
15h10 - 15h30
- Discussion
SWOT Data Access and Tools
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
- PODAAC (S. Vannan, C. Taglialatela) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
- Hydroweb.Next (L. Zawadzki) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
- AVISO (C. Germineaud) (pdf)
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Ocean & Hydrology Poster Session : Part 1 (Project overviews 2022-2023) ( Tue- Wed )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Tue - Wed - SWOT and NORthern laKeS (SNORKS) project (S. Biancamaria et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - REFECCT-DETECT - Impact analysis or surface water level and discharge from the new generation altimeter observation (L. Fenoglio et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - River discharge estimations, hydrological – hydraulic multi-fidelity models based on SWOT(-like) and multi-source data By the MathHydroNum Team (P.-A. Garambois et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SPLASH: Small Ponds and LAkes in the Sahel by SWOT and High resolution sensors (M. Grippa et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Towards a better understanding of the global hydrological cycle with SWOT (S. Munier et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Ceará site, Brazil (R.R.A. Oliveira et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Global River Discharges Estimation from SWOT Observations using Data Assimilation and Hydraulic Models (H. Oubanas et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT for South America (F. Papa et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT cal/val Lake Issyk Kul (Kyrgyzstan) two ships – two buoys (T. Schöne et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT for Monitoring Terrestrial Water Storage Changes: Quality Assessment and Combination with other Remote Sensing Data (C. Schwatke et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Integrating reservoirs into SWOT's global surface water storage and discharge monitoring (Jida Wang et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Extending the Corsica facilities up to SWOT swath (P. Bonnefond et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - A first (very quick) look at SWOT spectra (J. Callies et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Level-3 Overview algorithms and examples (G. Dibarboure et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Internal wave models for interpreting SWOT data (J.T. Farrar et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - CONWEST-DYCO - Role of fine scale coastal ocean dynamics in North Sea and Baltic Sea (L. Fenoglio et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Sub-mesoscale data assimilation in the California Current cal-val domain (S. Gille et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT-Tropics Internal tides and mesoscale interactions in a tropical area: Insights from model, in situ data, and SWOT (L. Gourdeau et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Oceanographic Research and Development in Canada (G. Han et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Results from Brazilian shelf Sea Experiment in the frame of the SWOT-Bresil project (F. Hernandez et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Variadations in Bungo Channnel & Assimilation in the western North Pacific (K. Ichikawa et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - North West Australian Shelf Topographic Internal Tide and Eddy Measurement Program (N. Jones et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT – CTOH studies for fine-scale ocean dynamics (R. Morrow et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - FaSt SWOT multi platform experiments for SWOT validation in the Western Mediterranean Sea (B. Mourre et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Assessment of SWOT KaRIn spectral performance and error requirements during the 1 day repeat orbit (N. Nencioli et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - DIEGO: Data and dynamIcal synErGies for swOt (A. Ponte et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Barotropic and baroclinic tide models for and from SWOT (R.D. Ray et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - The 2023 Hybrid Mean Sea Surface (P. Schaeffer et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Mission Cal/Val with the SIO Hybrid Real-Time Mooring (U. Send et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Reconstructing dynamics from sea surface height using neural networks (K.S. Smith et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - Accuracy and Resolution of SWOT Altimetry: Foundation Seamounts (Y. Yu et al.) (pdf)
Deltas, estuaries and coastal
Tue - Wed - River Deltas and Estuaries: the not-missing link (M. Simard et al.) (pdf)
Tue - Wed - SWOT Application Working Group (SAWG) Report (2022-2023) (V. Tsontos et al.) (pdf)
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Day 2: SWOT Validation activities Splinter sessions( Wed, Sep 20 2023, 9:00 - 17:30 )

Hydrology validation activities ( Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:00 - 17:30 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h00 - 9h15
- Overview of Calval objectives during the fast sampling orbit (N. Picot, C. Gleason) (pdf)
River validation
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h15 - 9h35
- Single channel rivers in temperate regions (C. Gleason) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h15 - 9h35
- Single channel rivers in temperate regions (J.C. Poisson) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h35 - 9h55
- Braided rivers (T. Pavelsky & T. Rowley) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h55 - 10h15
- Tropical rivers (D. Moreira) (pdf)
Tue, Sep 19 2023,
10h15 - 10h30
- Discussion
Lake validation
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
11h00 - 11h20
- CalVal at Small Temperate Lakes (M. Gosset & T. Minear) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
11h20 - 11h40
- CalVal on lakes under ice (M. Trudel) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
11h20 - 11h40
- SWOT Validation in North American Boreal Lakes (T. Pavelsky) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
11h40 - 12h00
- CalVal of SWOT on large lakes (J-F Cretaux & T. Schöne) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
12h00 - 12h30
- Discussion
Science Orbit & Plans Going Forward
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h00 - 14h20
- Summary of the Northern Swing (T. Rowley) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h20 - 14h30
- Discussion
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h30 - 14h45
- Project perspectives on needs for CalVal going forward (S. Desai, N. Picot) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h45 - 14h55
- US plans moving forward (C. Gleason) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h55 - 15h05
- French Plans (N. Picot, J-F Cretaux) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
15h05 - 15h15
- Lessons on method intercomparison from 2022 Willamette Experiment (T. Minear, T. Rowley) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
15h15 - 15h30
- Discussion
Coordination & Discussion
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
15h15 - 15h30
- Discussion on methodologies, lessons learned, data sharing, plans (moderated by J-F. Cretaux, T. Pavelsky, C. Gleason, N. Picot)
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Oceanography Regional ocean CalVal( Wed, Sep 20 2023, 9:00 - 17:30 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h00 - 9h15
- Overview of mission ocean calval and AdAC (F. d'Ovidio, J. Wang, A. Pascual) (pdf)
SWOT Fast Sampling campaigns
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
09h15 - 09h25
- ACC-SMT (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
09h25 - 09h35
- AUSWOT (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
09h35 - 09h45
- BIOSWOT-Med (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
09h45 - 09h55
- Fast-SWOT (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
09h55 - 10h05
- SWOT-Abrolhos (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
10h05 - 10h15
- MAB-SWOT (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
- Bungo Channel Tidal Front Observations (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
- Coast - open ocean continuum (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
- S-Mode overview (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
12h10 - 12h30
- Discussion (pdf)
Project California Campaigns
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h00 - 14h15
- The S-MODE campaign near the SWOT California crossover (T. Farrar) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h15 - 14h35
- Broadband 2D ocean topography airborne observations: Modular Aerial Sensing System (MASS) in support of SWOT CalVal (Luc Lenain) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
14h35 - 15h15
- In-situ short wavelength (100-10km) validation-California crossover (J. Wang)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
15h15 - 15h30
- Discussion
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
16h00 - 16h20
- Ocean GPS/GNSS CalVal sites Bass Strait, California, Corsica, N. Caledonia. (P. Bonnefond) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
- Discussion on methodologies, lessons learned, data sharing, plans, SPASSO, future of AdAC (F. d'Ovidio, J. Wang, A. Pascual,...) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
16h30 - 16h45
- SWOT Level-3 Overview algorithms and examples (G. Dibarboure) (pdf)
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Deltas, Estuaries and Coastal (DEC) WG session ( Wed, Sep 20 2023,9:00 - 12:30 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h00 - 9h10
- Science needs and challenges (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h10 - 9h20
- SWOT in situ and airborne validation campaign in the St. Lawrence estuary and Saguenay fjord (P. Matte , M. Simard) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h30 - 9h40
- Hecate (Western Canada), (G. Han and C. Hannah) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h40 - 9h50
- Elbe estuary and Baltic Bight, CONWEST Germany: (L. Fenoglio-Marc) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
9h10 - 10h00
- Normandy coasts, France (B. Laignel, L. Froideval, J. Deloffre, E. Salameh) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
10h00 - 10h10
- Severn Estuary, UK (P. Bell et al.) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
10h10 - 10h20
- Gironde estuary & CalVal (F. Lyard & N. Ayoub)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
10h20 - 10h30
- Round robin on coastal corrections for altimetry (F. Birol, F. Nino) (pdf)
Wed, Sep 20 2023,
11h00 - 12h30
- Discussion
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Day 3: Hydrology WG Science & Validation Plans ( Thu, Sep 21 2023, 9:00 - 16:00 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Discharge Working Group
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h00 - 9h15
- SWOT discharge status update overview (Mike Durand) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h00 - 9h15
- Confluence Dataset:SWORD of Science (SoS) (Nikki Tebaldi, Suresh Vannan) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h15 - 9h35
- The big picture of SWOT discharge (Hind Oubanas) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h35 - 10h10
- Exploring Confluence Runs (Steve Coss) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h35 - 10h10
- Confluence Technical Update (Travis Simmons) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
10h10 - 10h25
- Revisit plan for first SWOT discharge paper (Kostas Andreadis) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
10h25 - 10h30
- Discussion
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
11h00 - 12h00
- Discharge Algorithm WG Discussion (C. Gleason, M. Durand, P-O Malaterre, K. Larnier)
Global Modelling Working Group
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
12h00 - 12h15
- Prospects for use of swot data to improve surface water-related water and energy fluxes in numerical weather and climate prediction models (D. Lettenmaier) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
12h15 - 12h30
- Improved understanding of the global continental water cycle using SWOT within a data assimilation framework (S. Munier) (pdf)
River Science Working Group
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
14h00 - 14h15
- Twice greater variability in river water discharge and storage (than previously thought) (C. David)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
14h15 - 14h30
- River science WG SWOT CalVal over Amazon rivers (D. Moreira) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
14h30 - 14h45
- SWOT ST 2020-2023 River Science WorkingGroup (F. Papa)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
14h45 - 15h00
- New findings from the NASA ABoVE AirSWOT flight campaigns (L. Smith) (pdf)
Lake, Estuary, Wetland Working Group
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Special Issue of Water Resources Research - call for submission (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
12h15 - 12h30
- Poster overviews (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
12h15 - 12h30
- discussions (J. Wang & S. Biancamaria) (pdf)
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Oceanography Validation plans ( Thu, Sep 21 2023, 9:00 - 16:00 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Waves / air-sea interaction WG
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h00 - 9h10
- SWH measurements from KaRIn, "e;mitigation doppler"e;, noise from waves, wind retrieval status (A. Bohe) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h10 - 9h30
- SWOT and wind-generated waves (Ardhuin et al.) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h30 - 9h40
- A –very–first glimpsein Sigma0 signatures (P. Dubois) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
9h40 - 10h00
- Discussion
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Mean Sea Surface (MSS) Working Group for SWOT (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- The 2023 Hybrid Mean Sea Surface (P. Schaeffer) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- MSS errors & SWOT KaRIn measurements (M.I. Pujol) (pdf)
Tides / Internal Tides WG
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Introduction (E. Zaron) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Estimating baroclinic tides from and for SWOT (M. Tchilibou) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Barotropic corrections for SWOT : FES2022 and DAC (F. Lyard) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Exploring the potential of hydrodynamical models for nadir and swath internal tide corrections (B. Yadidya) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Nonlinear internal tides in a global HYCOM simulation (M. Buijsman) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- High frequency variability with a focus on internal tides (N. Lahaye) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Discussion
Validation with HR Modelling WG
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Validation with HR Modelling Introduction (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Dynamical Balance of Submesoscales (P. Klein)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Internal tides in global HYCOM (M. Buijsman) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Using SWOT to assess the realism of km-scalemodels (E. Chassignet) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- GEOS-ECCO simulation + application(s) (B. Arbic & D. Menemenlis)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Contributions to steric height around Luzon Strait in a high-resolution ocean model and glider observation (L. Rainville)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Discussion
Data Inversion & assimilation WG
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- First comparisons between SWOT and the MOI system (M. Benkiran) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Assimilative ocean modelling during SWOT cal/val and next steps (J. D'Addezio) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- California Current CalVal state estimation using the MITgcm (S. Gille)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Experimental Mapping of Ocean Surface Topography using SWOT Altimetry: Ongoing and Future Studies (M. Ballarotta) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Learning non-wave surface divergence from sea surface height using neural networks (K.S. Smith) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- High-resolution Sea Surface Height mapping with assimilative simple models: status and plans (V. Bellemin-Laponnaz) (pdf)
Thu, Sep 21 2023,
- Discussion
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Ocean & Hydrology Poster Session : Part 2 (Early career scientists' posters) ( Tue- Wed )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Thu - Fri - Assessing the added value of SWOT lake observations to enhance Canadian hydrological forecasting : Data assimilation accounting for latency, revisit time and error (M.A. Bessar et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Tracking the volume changes of lakes in West Africa with remote sensing (F. Girard et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Geostrophic currents in the Great Lakes (S.M. Kelly) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - River ice monitoring using GNSS-IR and SAR during CalVal (D. Purnell et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Turning lakes into river gauges using the lakeflow algorithm (R.M. Riggs et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - IRIS: Global River Surface Slopes from ICESat-2 and its Contribution to SWOT (D. Scherer et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - 2023 SWOT Cal/Val Activities for the North Saskatchewan River (S.F. Sherpa et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Pre-launch SWOT capabilities & Cal/Val activities for land hydrology in Quebec (G. Siles et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - REFECCT-DETECT - Analysis or surface water level and water extent, GNSS-IR and Sentinel-1 (H. Uyanik et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Towards a global scale SWOT-CTRIP hydrological data assimilation system (K. Verma et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - SWOTtropics: Regional modeling of internal tide dynamics around New Caledonia (A. Bendinger et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Mesoscale dynamics in the Southern Ocean: perspectives for SWOT (E. Carli et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Estimating surface ocean dynamic from SWOT- drifters synergy (M. Demol et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - SWOT Data Assimilation with Correlated Error Reduction: Fitting Model and Error Together (Y. Gao et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Lagrangian filtering for removing waves from modeled ocean surface velocities (C.S. Jones et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Steric Height from JPL Cal/Val and SWOT vs. Coastal High-Frequency Radar Comparison (L. Kachelein et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - 4DVarNet : Data-driven mapping of Ocean Surface Topography using SWOT altimetry (G. Méda et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - The BioSWOT-Med campaign Looking for the fine-scale physical-biological coupling in the NW-Mediterranean sea (L. Oms et al.) (pdf)
Thu - Fri - Tidal decomposition of steric height and bottom pressure from a triangle mooring array (J.P. Peng et al.) (pdf)
Deltas, estuaries and coastal
Thu - Fri - CONWEST-DYCO- Estuarine and coastal water level and hydrodynamic (pdf)
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Plenary Going Forward Session ( Fri, Sep 22 2023, 9:00 - 10:30 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
9h00 - 9h10
- The NASA Women's Aqua Boost project (T. Amer) (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
9h10 - 9h30
- Early SWOT 21-day data assessment (August - mid-Sept) (M. Raynal) (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
9h30 - 10h00
- LR data on different surfaces: inland waters, sea-ice, land ice, etc (G. Dibarboure) (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
10h00 - 10h30
- Seasonal HR mask in Science orbit (T. Pavelsky, S. Gille, C. Pottier) (pdf)
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Plenary: Validation splinter overviews ( Fri, Sep 22 2023, 11:00 - 12:30 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Hydrology splinters
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Hydrology Breakout Summaries
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Mission Calval for Inland Waters Summary (C.J. Gleason, N. Picot) (pdf)
Oceanography splinters
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- S-Mode SWOT campaign review (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Regional Validation Working Group Oceanography Splinter Session Summary (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- MSS Summary (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Wind-waves working group (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- High-resolution Modeling Working Group
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Data mapping and inversion (pdf)
Deltas, Estuaries & Coasts splinter
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
- Session Summary (pdf)
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Day 4: Plenary Closing Session( Fri, Sep 22 2023, 14:00 - 16:00 )

Schedule Room(s) Title of the abstract Contribution
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
14h00 - 14h20
- Update on SWOT Applications (M. Bonnema, S. Peña-Luque) (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
14h20 - 14h30
- Plans for ongoing operational data processing (N. Picot, S. Desai) (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
14h30 - 14h45
- Ocean Science Data & analysis tool sharing discussion
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
14h45 - 15h30
- Hydrology Science Data & analysis tool sharing discussion (pdf)
Fri, Sep 22 2023,
15h30 - 16h00
- Final remarks (L.L. Fu)
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